The European Year of Youth 2022 was at the core of the StartNet Europe online network meeting on 15 December. The EU Youth Coordinator Biliana Sirakova and her colleagues from the European Commission were giving an overview of the current plans. “It’s your year” is the motto of a year that aims to be broad in terms of topics and participants, from European to local level. The three thematic focal areas will be opportunities for young people, youth participation and mainstreaming youth policy.
StartNet is part of the European stakeholder group, with 150 other key organisations of the youth sector. We will be an active multiplier, engaging our networks and partners, bringing the voice of young people and youth projects to the European level, and European opportunities back to young people.
A dedicated project fair in the morning permitted the network members to work on possible EU-project partnerships in the fields of orientation, STEAM and youth participation, which would underpin the year with concrete action.