StartNet participated in this year’s edition of the European Youth Event in Strasbourg. Thousands of young people came together with European policy makers to exchange on various topics (climate, health, migration, inclusion, education, jobs, culture, democracy…) offline and online. The #EYE2021 and platform contribute to the Conference of the Future of Europe.

Jan Wilker from StartNet moderated a panel event in the hemicycle of the European Parliament on “Future of work: Jobs and skills after COVID-19” with the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit, OECD’s labour market economist Anja Meierkord and the social entrepreneur Silyana Bojilova. The lively hybrid discussion with a thousand young people from all across Europe focused on the post COVID recovery for young people, the future of the labour market, education, skills and young people’s broader contribution to the future of Europe. While the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen recently announced 2022 as the European Year of Youth, Commissioner Schmit underlined the importance of youth involvement, saying "Next year is not our year. It is yours. It's not to us to talk to you. It is to us to listen."

The European Youth Event was also an opportunity for the Skills for Life project to exchange with young people on the importance of early career guidance and to promote the idea of a European Guidance Day.

You can watch the recording panel event here.