On 19 November, the Skills for Life project has officially been launched. During an online meeting project partners Goethe-Institut (DE), Aliseo Liguria (IT), Scoala de Valori (RO), Tracé Brussel (BE), the City of Mannheim (DE), as well as Bundesinstitut für Berufliche Bildung BIBB (DE) came together to kick off the cooperation for the next two and a half years to produce an Orientation Toolbox for Life Design.
With these new tools, educators will be better equipped to guide 13-14 year olds on their education and vocational path.While the COVID-19 pandemic accentuates many social problems, such preventive initiatives against skills miss match, school drop-out and youth unemployment become more important than ever. Young people need to be prepared even earlier for the future of education and a labour market in constant change.
More information about the project can be found in “projects” section of the website and in the attached kick-off communiqué. Follow Skills4Life on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.